Krista Progress: 9/4/06
OK, I wrote this post once and it went
The Krista Tee is knitting up very fast, very nicely. I did the waist shaping using my Lantern Moon circs and as much I do really like the feel of the rosewood, I have trouble with the join on the purl side of the work. That's kind of a drag. It was kind of grabbing my plyed cotton and yanking it. Not good. I worked around it well enough but it was still something of a relief to go back to the Addi Turbos. And frankly, the rosewood of the Lantern Moons don't feel as good as the Crystal Palaces, IMHO. Still nice, though.
I've managed to make two errors in the very simple lace pattern already. If you look closely you'll be able to tell but they weren't bad enough to cause me to rip back. Yet. In case you're interested that's K4, K2tog, yo K1, yo SSK. That's it kids; couldn't be easier. Purl every other row.
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